Monday, August 15, 2011

Physics Context: NAO Robots! They are able to express the humanies emotional! - World Robotic Explorer Opening on Saturday (12.11.10) was enlivened by the presence of Nao robot, a humanoid robot that was produced by Aldebaran Robotics, a robot development company based in France.

What is Nao? Bruno Maisonnier, Nao Foundation CEO, said: "Nao is not an abbreviation. Nao could mean close to nanotechnology that is now a trend, it could also mean the brain or the light."

Classified as a humanoid robot, Nao will be able to demonstrate expression of humanity. For example, the robot is able to show emotion as simple as one year old children.

Nao also be able to perform various movements, like walking, dancing, sitting, standing, kicking and reaching a certain object. In addition, the robot is also able to turn his head towards a speaker or sound source.

Nao has a height of about 58 cm and weighs 4.3 kg. This robot has the ability of autonomy for 90 minutes with constant movement and roads could in-charge. Developed in the Linux operating system but also for Windows and Mac compatible, the robot is equipped with two cameras CMOS 640 x 480.

Currently on the opening of World Robotic Explorer in Thamrin Jakarta City, Nao asked Maisonnier to read a fairy tale. So, he began to speak, "once upon a time ..." tells the tale with a tone of voice like a toddler.

On that occasion, Nao Maisonnier also asked to send a message. So, Nao started working by saying "ok", paused to process and deliver its work done by saying "your message has been sent", as the text is written after send an email.

Nao is equipped with an integrated computer system and a wifi connection it is able to perform the activity on the internet such as downloading and sending messages securely. Nao also equipped with speech function that can respond to verbal messages, email, book or other document sent to him.

Maisonnier also said that Nao is a good partner in education. "If you want to attract students to science and technology, Nao robots are the answer. This robot can be a partner in education" said Maisonnier.

Nao is a humanoid robot that uses a fairly friendly programming that can be used for beginner to expert class. By Choreographer software and 3D Simulator, the robot is able to guide students and teachers to learn about robot so that it becomes a joyful way to learn science and technology.

Foundation's own Nao Aldebaran Robotics is part of the concern in the field of education. "Starting next year, we plan to develop a textbook that is able to invite more students to explore robotics," said Maisonnier.

Maisonnier continued, "We also have a several development programs for teachers and lecturers from various universities." One of them, in February 2011 ahead, Nao Foundation will hold a workshop attended by lecturers.

Through Nao Foundation, Maisonnier hope, "We need a lot of researchers to develop robots. We hope that many children now who will go into robotics so that it can also develop it."

Nao robots are now used as the robot model used in the World Robotic Olympiad. For example, the robot football world game that was held in conjunction with the World Cup replaces the Sony Aibo robot dog that stopped its development.

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