from Israel won the Nobel Prize for chemistry thanks to a remarkable discovery.
Scientists managed to break the old understand about the pattern of
crystal-forming component. Understand the old saying that the crystal has a
repeating pattern forming. However, this discovery succeeded in undermining
understands it. It took years to understand Shechtman's new truth by scientists
is recognized worldwide.
from the CNN page, Wednesday, September 6, 2011, scientists are SHECHTMAN
DANIEL, 70. In 1982, he found that crystals do not have the elements forming
the same pattern and repetitive, but composed with a random pattern but dense.
invention is called quasicrystal, a regular crystal structure but not the same
but symmetrical. Quasicrystal pattern is similar with the pattern on the
ceramic and stained glass in medieval Islamic art.
can be used as a very sharp object. It has been applied in a razor blade and
very sharp needles used in eye surgery. There is some research that states that
the quasicrystal can generate electricity from heat energy.
mosaics, as found in the palace in Spain or Temple Alhamdra Darb-i on Iran that
was built in the heyday of Islam, helping scientists to understand what kind of
quasicrystal in the size of atoms," said Peter J. Lu, Professor of Harvard
University, who examined the pattern of the Islamic era pottery.
is currently professor at the University of Iowa in Ames, United States. Nobel
award was officially scheduled to be carried out in Stockholm on December 10.
Prizes will be received is 10 million Swedish kronor (Rp12, 8 billion).
already 10 Israelis who won the Nobel Prize. This is a pride for a country that
only has a population of 7.8 million. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and
former President Shimon Peres gave to the survival of Schechtman top award.
Israeli citizen must be happy today and every Jew in the world would be
proud," said Netanyahu.